Grant Giles
4 min readApr 24, 2021



Now first thing regarding this article is that it is not about COVID, masks, lockdowns, vaccines and opinions, this article is about freedom and the shrinking of the elbow room that has been long considered our basic democratic right.

One way or another we are being conditioned right now. Regardless of what we think of lockdowns, the synchronicity of the flare ups, the media, the political point scoring, the unfolding world wide tragedy, the paranoia, the doubt, the fear, and the subsequent actions and reactions, we are setting precedents that will be difficult, if not impossible to repeal. How could we not? Our loved ones are at stake right?

We want to feel safe, cared for, and we will do almost anything to have it, anything!

We would have to do be deaf, dumb and blind to not see how they will use what has happened here to repeal our freedoms.

In the last 20 years we have handed back our rights and privacy hand over fist in the name of safety, to the point where we are now volunteering it like it’s our idea, and perhaps it is!

We are standing on a precipice right now, we have gone too far in allowing them to peer further and further into the corners of our private lives.

There is a gnawing uncertainly in the world. Nothing is as it seems. The question is, are they leading us, or are they bleeding us?

Forget conspiracy theories, it’s irrelevant, like trying to prove the Loch Ness monster exists without evidence.

Having said that, if the general weight of the mob are running toward a thousand foot cliff and are pushing each other off the edge, and you are the only one running the other way, who do you think is going to appear to be wrong?

Statistical data about opinions is useless. Running with the mob doesn’t make you right, I had a giggle to myself about the dangers of the people in Byron Bay who choose to live an alternative life like it was some kind of crime, shades of George Orwell 1984 and the dystopian society.

Can you trust everyone living an alternative lifestyle, probably not, can you trust everyone living a so called normal life, what ever that means? Probably not.

Both are made up of human beings, humans tend to believe their thoughts, and are thoughts an accurate belief? Definitely not!

What about proof, what about data?

Data of any sort, scientific or otherwise where there are vested interests are suspect.

I don’t have an answer, I have enough intuitive intelligence to understand that if I get on one side or the other, that I am slipping into an untruth. One side may feel more comfortable than the other but that doesn’t necessarily make it right or wrong.

But then there is no each way bet either, so I don’t because I can’t, if I say one side is absolute truth then I am blinded by my thoughts, by your thoughts or by the governments thoughts, from there it is no great stretch to be blinded by big pharma or the media. It’s a quagmire of illusion.

I don’t trust anyone to tell me what is good for me. If I am not intuitive enough to know what is good for me then I am at the mercy of parents who are selling what is good for me to other vested interests. I don’t believe that is a conspiracy or any type of paranoia, it just is.

There must be a sensible rational respect for what is. There must also be a rational sensible respect for what isn’t, because we all know that it is there.

Are we mushrooms, are we sheep? Are we easily polarised and lead?

Yes to all, we have proven it again and again.

We are an animal that craves connection, and we will do anything to keep it or create it.

I am no different, I am a 6 on the enneagram scale, my psyche is all about feeling unsafe and unsupported, and yet my intuition overrides my need for safety and is telling me there is the stink of a rotting carcass in the wake of the arguing and name calling we are marinating in and if we are not careful that carcass will become the rotting flesh of our freedom in the future.

That carcass is also our sense of community, value and freedom. It’s our bond, our glue.

What is the point?

There isn’t one. That’s the point. We are trying to make solids out of thin air. That’s where we lose and give away our power.

Don’t go to war with your brother or sister for an idea, an opinion, or a point of view.

The lack of certainty in our DNA creates the sense of lack and threat in the outer world that others bank on to use and abuse.

If we can’t steady our own ship, we’ll end up all at sea.




Grant Giles

Grant Giles is a clinical hypnotherapist and strategic psychotherapist, he is also a level 3 high performance athlete coach with 23 years experience.